Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day Weekend

Although my preference is always warm tropical weather, I must admit that our snowfall on Friday afternoon was really a sight to behold.
I know there are many people who just cannot imagine a town shutting down over 3-4 inches of snow. Our neighbor shared this story with my husband so let me tell you what happened in our neighborhood Friday night after the 'Big Freeze'.
We have a lady that had to call 911 for medical assistance. She's on the far back cul-de-sac past three huge hills. The ambulance that attempted to drive in the community could not make it so a tow truck had to be sent in. The tow truck ended up sliding into an empty lot full of hardwood trees as did the firetruck that followed it a short time later. Our neighbor was carried out on foot by the fire and rescue workers and at some time Saturday morning, a larger tow truck was sent to move the first three vehicles. And people ask me why I never try to drive in inclement weather!
My wonderful husband ventured out Saturday for our Valentine's Day gifts and today we had a wonderful quiet day at home...let's just hope that he makes it to the airport before tomorrow's expected snow storm!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Mammogram, Digital Mammogram VS. MRI...What's Best?

2009 was the year that I watched friends battle cancer. The 'C' word in the abstract vs. the up close and personal battles that I witnessed were worlds apart.

Being the bookworm that I am, I've read everything that I could get my hands on regarding cancer, alternative therapies, prevention, and testing. For all my girlfriends, my mother, and for my daughter...the following information is worth a review.

And to Dr. John Horton, at Emory, who dedicated so much of his life to ovarian cancer research, I say, "THANK YOU!"...thank you for your knowledge that allowed me to sleep well, for giving me back my peace of mind, and for talking with me as an equal...a partner in my health who NEVER once minded that I questioned every study...every test... and every treatment. We talked and talked and talked some more and his patience amazed both myself and my husband.

He didn't object to my briefcase, yes, briefcase, full of medical articles and books. I only wish that each of my friends could have him as their physician.

* Note: The MRI photo above is from the National Cancer Institute and the white images indicate areas that turned out to be tumors. The patient's name is Denise...prayers for her and her family!

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Everything's Coming Up Roses

Well, not everything, but a girl can dream, right? 

My ever enthusiastic Mid-Western Yankee husband was delighted two weeks ago when the first bulbs poked through the dirt.  Last fall, when he put them in the ground, I don't think he actually believed they would emerge, much less bloom.   Now he's busy planning more outdoor projects and I am happy to keep him busy.

Although today's high temperature will be in the forties, I'm dreaming of  summer roses.  Huge fresh cut bouquets, vases overflowing with color, the pale pink shrub roses that mingle through  pale blue hydrangeas, and the fragrance that surrounds me when I enjoy my morning coffee during the sweltering days of July...that's what a gardener lives for. 

The summer garden in full bloom. Not today, but soon.

 After looking out on a mostly gray and brown landscape with a few evergreens this morning, I visited the Jackson and Perkins website and found several wonderful roses to satisfy my need for color. Some are new for 2010. Others on my list, like the hardy Don Juan climbing rose, have been recommended on Georgia gardening sites for years. Below is the link to the Jackson and Perkins website...order and enjoy!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Decorating Blog

I found this blog on twitter and I just love the various styles of rooms and design ideas that are photographed.  There is truly inspiration for all of us on the blog link below!